Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mandatory Sex Education: the RH Bill way

Tell me it aint' so...

picture source


John-D Borra said...

Great pic! May I share this?

WillyJ said...

Go ahead John-D.

John-D Borra said...

Thanks! So many goodies so early in the morning. I have a feeling this will be a good day for sharing about life. :D

aeisiel said...

I'm afraid it is so...

In Section 12 of the RH Bill, we find that the POPCOM is mandated to enforce a common “reproductive health” curriculum in ALL schools (public and private), for Grade 5 to 4th Year High School. This curriculum, among others, will cover “Reproductive health and sexual rights” and “attitudes, beliefs and values on sexual development, sexual behavior and sexual health”.

WillyJ said...

Come to think of it, U.K. already mandates sex ed starting the age of five. Contraceptives there are also free. They also happen to have one of the highest teenage pregnancies in the world. Duh.