Wednesday, May 18, 2011

EUGENICS: The Philosophy of the RH Bill

FVR to PacMan

FVR: “I think the philosophy of RH bill is that we must learn to produce quality people in this world instead of producing people who only end up as, say, beggars on the streets, scavengers, or sellers of cheap or prohibited items. This, I think, is the real valid argument in favor of the RH bill,” he added.
What an incredible, appalling admission. EUGENICS in other words. Now we are assured that Sanger's and Hitler's philosophy is rooted in the RH bill.


aeisiel said...

Those beggars on the streets, scavengers, or sellers of cheap or prohibited items are the products of a poorly governed society.
What would you expect from a former minion of a dictator anyways.

WillyJ said...

"Those beggars on the streets, scavengers, or sellers of cheap or prohibited items are the products of a poorly governed society."

...and product of greediness of the rich and powerful at their expense.

I wonder if FVR ever heard of the story of Lazarus and the rich man.

WillyJ said...

The Inquirer article is now inaccessible. Hmmm...

Good thing there is a
google web cache

aeisiel said...

"FVR to Pacman: Know both sides of RH bill issue"...
It is not necessary, Mr. Ramos as Manny know where his heart is. As the adage goes: For those who believe, no explanation is necessary, and for those who do not believe, no explanation is possible.

The RSV CE Bible translation gives us a deeper understanding of the word believe in Jn3:36 and 1Jn 2:4-5