Saturday, December 6, 2008

We invite You to our homes and our hearts...

Saturday, Week 1.
A beautiful prayer from 'The Advent Wreath Prayer Guide' of the Filipino Family City Foundation, Inc.

Jesus, You ask us to tell others that You are coming to make us better persons. We can do this not only in words, but in actions. Help us to be like You, loving and caring to our brothers and sisters, obedient to our parents and teachers, generous and forgiving to those around us. In this way, when people look at us, they shall see the goodness and beauty that we see in You.

O Lord, as we reach the end of our first week of Christmas preparation, we thank You for letting us know You a little better. We learned that the word Advent means "coming" and stands for your coming. We invite You to our homes and our hearts, our families and our communities, our nation and the nations of the world.

We learned that Advent starts four weeks before Christmas and lasts until Christmas Eve. That is why there are four candles on our Advent wreath. We pray, Lord, that the spirit of Christmas will live in our hearts.

We learned that the candles stand for Christ, the Light of the world. He is our guiding light. We continue to offer Him our hearts, which we hope are now more loving than they were a week ago.

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