Saturday, July 26, 2008

Humanae Vitae Kuwarenta

Humanae Vitae Kuwarenta
Biyaya ng Buhay
Biyaya ng Pamilya

Parade Grounds

University of Santo Tomas

July 25, 2008

Manila, Philippines



God our Father,

In you we find the fullness of life and love,

And the truth that they belong together.

In you we find the meaning of marriage,

Of the human body,

And of out responsibility to be opne to life.

As we celebrate the anniversary of Humanae Vitae,

Pope Paul Vi's document on human life,

Bless your entire Church with a new generosity.

We rejoice that you are the Lord of our lives

and our freedom,

Of birth and death and everything in between.

Keep us strong in saying "Yes" to life

And "Yes" to you.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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